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Foil Stamping

Foil stamping is a premium option that adds a unique appearance to your printed piece. Gold, silver or color foils can be used instead of, or in addition to, ink on business cards and other items. Foil stamping is often used to highlight special awards and as a delineator of accomplishment.

Foil Guidelines

Font, Printabilty and Quality Considerations:
• Body type should not be smaller than 8 point, preferably 9 point. Some fonts measure smaller than others. Serif fonts don't foil as well as sans serif. If you supply typesetting, adding some space between the letters helps. Our Standard Body Font used on foil stamping is 8 point Swiss 721 BT all caps or 9 point upper/lower.
• Never use fine scripts in less than 14 point. Fine serifs and thin lines disappear with foil stamping.
• Outline fonts cannot be used. Fine, open spaces on fonts or graphics will not remain open when foil stamped. Examples of outline fonts are Caslon Openface or Broadway Engraved.
• Margins need to be at least 1/4” on all 4 sides.
• If you supply your own artwork, please provide a pdf in 100% black just as you would for printing orders.
• Please do not supply foil stamping dies. We will not be able to use them.
• We cannot produce an exact register between 2 foils or foil to ink on some designs. Please show us your artwork or mockup for verification.
• Foil stamping on items other than business cards are considered on a case-by-case basis for printability and pricing. Please contact us for more information.